
Saturday, December 11, 2021

Christmas 2021

We had a lot of fun making Reindeer Cookies and Christmas decorations this week.

We used arrowroot biscuits, nutella, M&Ms and pretzels to make our delicious reindeer cookies. It was a lovely treat!

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!

Monday, December 6, 2021

Simple Circuits


We are learning about electricity and how to build a simple circuit.
In class we were learning how to build simple circuit you will need playdoh, battery pack, wires, led (light emitting diode). First we had to half the playdoh and poke the little led into the playdoh. Then we stuck both of the ends from the battery in to the playdoh and connected it up and then it lit up.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Asttle Narrative Writing - A Loud Whispher

The children write for a total of 40 minutes. Within that timeframe they have to plan their writing (a brainstorm) write, edit and re-craft their work. They are not allowed to use dictionaries or word cards. The students completed their writing on paper but have typed it out for their blogs.

    WALT write a creative story

    A long time ago there was a night called T dog was sent of to find a friend called Ash. He was good and smart and this is how he got lost so he went for a trip and he went. to this hunted house in a frost and he fell in to a trap in a huge hole in the ground and the night seen the wheel marks on the ground and then he seen foot prints on the ground. Then he heard a whisper and it was a ghost behind the night and he heard Ash scream for help and the night ran to Ash and save Ash and then they left and they lived happily ever after.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Water - An Amazing Substance


We are using water to help us understand different scientific concepts.

On Friday we did some science and it was so fun because we had to cut up a ice cream container and get a plastic cup and then you full up the plastic cup with water and then put the cut up container on the cup so the water dose not tip out on to the ground and then the water well stay in they or if you probbley did it wrong so do it right and then you can probably teach someone else so do it right.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

T Dogs Adventures

Once upon a time there was a Knight called T Dog. T Dog was a brave strong guy who was not scared of anyone. One day he was sent off to go and find a shiny amazing diamond for his boss. The diamond was protected by a dragon. He was a green dragon that was made out of metal he was called JJ. When T Dog got to the dragon they were on the 5th story of a haunted castle when they saw each other they started to fight because JJ the dragon knew that T Dog wanted to take the diamond. T Dogs sword snapped when it hit JJs hard tall, which was made out of metal. So he pulled out his magic sword, and when T Dog did a little flick the dragon got scared and let T Dog the knight pass. He got the diamond and gave it to his boss and they lived happily ever after.  

Monday, September 27, 2021

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Persuasive Writing Plan

Walt plan our persuasive writing on a Jam board.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

At the Beach

On the 6 we went to the beach and it was fun and here were it start because it started on saturday on the 5 I think and that was when we had our bonfire. Same of are family came over to see the bonfire and then my mum call me,Kade,JJ,Julie and Alex to came in side when dad, Ash and Pids are out watching the fire and then we went to go back outside and I did some front flips when dad and his friends are watching me and ryan and ryan my dads friend did a back flip of the stant we have there then we went to sleep on the ground. Then we woke up late like at 7:33 and then at like 7:49 me and Kade had to make breakfast for them and get the spoons out for them and the bows for the coco pops and when we were getting ready to go to the beach and when we were at the beach it was so windel that I can not even sand dunes  and then we went to another spot to go fishing and when we were and the spot I slud down the sand dunes I four of it on the big gap and we got a lot of pipes and we got 3 snipper and 3 kahwai at east beach. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


 During lockdown we had a bonfire in a drum. When it got really hot some of the drum was turning red and it was so cool watching it. Dad said when the metal was hot we could try bend it but we did not. When it was burning me and kade were hitting the drum to make fireflies come out of our drum. There were so much that I could not see the fire. They were floating up high into the sky. I liked having aa bonfire it was fun.


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Sunday, August 22, 2021

My Calf Maisie

 On Wednesday we went to our farm in Awanui because our cow had a calf called Maisie. It is black and white and it's soooooooooooooooooooo fluffy that I want to cuddle it so badly. When she walks she nearly falls over. We go to check on her twice a day because she is little. We have some other cows that are going to have more babies. Everyday I hope that we have new calves so that they can all be friends but we haven’t had any yet. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Olympic Games

We are learning about the Olympic Games.WALT skim and scan information to answer questions about the Olympics.

I like watching the men's rugby and basketball because they have to do team work. We got a silver medal for rugby because Fiji won and I liked watching New Zealand play everything.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Our Place, Our Stories

We have been learning about the taonga in our school and community. We were learning to tell stories about our school pou and one of the pou are on the west coast and one is on the east coast. This is Wiremu Moeke Tuhura, he carved our pou in 2005.

Our school is a taonga in our community.


We have also been learning our pepeha. My pepeha is a way to introduce myself in Te Reo.

    Friday, July 2, 2021

    Nga Mahi a te Rehia Māori Games

    We are learning about the games that Māori played in the past.

    Term 2 - Legends Assembly

    WALT use descriptive language in are writing 


    Thursday, July 1, 2021

    3-digit Addition Strategies

    1. WALT solve addition equations using a place value strategy.

    Tuesday, June 15, 2021

    2-3-digit Addition Strategies

     WALT solve addition equations using a place value strategy.

    I found the place value addition strategies easy I need to work on my 3 x, 6x and 9x tables.

    Friday, June 11, 2021

    First Draft - Mahuika Show

    Last week we went to a amazing show at the beginning they went to the garden to do jobs and there was sissy, kahu, and Nan Kahu always complaining because kahu is doing all of the jobs and sissy raning a way and not doing the jobs.I think sissy found a magie kete that was in the swamp and potiki with the last burning fingernail jamp out then Nan went to found something and kahu was the boss of sissy to not go bye the magie kete but she did it then Nan froze and if that day goes by Nan will turn in to coal they had to get past Te Ra to go to the underworld to save Nan to not turn in to coal so potiki show them the way to the underworld.

    Potiki, sissy, and kahu need to find mahuika to save Nan of turning in to coal and it was night when the two sister when they got to the underworld and pukeko kidnaps potiki to save hers noes with the last burning fingernail on potiki and pukeko lives in the swamp and in the middle piwakawaka had big eyes and the other piwakawaka are making fun of him because he has huge eye's and they don't and sissy help piwakawaka get out of the mud and it was fun to watch and that was the best show that I seen.

    Next steps

    • Re read each sentence - does it look right? make sense?
    • Full stops and capital letters
    • Correct your 'fast' words and spelling mistakes.

    Friday, May 21, 2021

    My Mum Joseabell

    She has brown shady long hair and super duper brown eyes that sparkle in sunlight. She is quite tall but she not the tallest family member in the family and I'm not the smallest in the family.

    Sometimes when I get home I will do the dishes for her. She gives me a goodnight kiss. I will give mum some morning tea. I make her some coffee and tea and when we go to a cafe we get stuff for her. She walks the dog and we do big adventures in the forest. She gets pinecones to light up the fire and to light up the day. I love her so much.

    Friday, May 14, 2021

    Anzac Day

    On anzac  day we commemorate all of the soldiers that died in war and other people  that died too. poppies were the first to grow on the fields We go to the dawn parades on april 25th and it start at dawn we sing the national anthem and ode and the last post we say prayers too Some times I cry. Lest we Forget.

    Thursday, April 15, 2021


     WALT ask a question for data collection, create a survey to carry out a simple investigation, make a tally chart and create a bar graph.

    we know to make 4 marks then cross the lines horizontal or diagonal to make the 5th mark. we have to ask a question to find out information.

    Tuesday, April 13, 2021

    America's Cup A-Z and Dear Future Me

    1. We have been learning about the America's Cup Yacht Race. WALT set goals for our future self.
      Peter Burling was the youngest helmsman NZ has ever had. He set a goal when he was 11 to race in the America's Cup when he grew up. I am setting myself a goal for 'My Future Self'.

    Friday, April 9, 2021


    WALT use our reading strategies to find information in the text.

    Wednesday, March 24, 2021

    The Great Reading Adventure

     We are learning to write a moment in time about our class assembly, 'The Great Reading Adventure'.

    The butterflies went crazy in my tummy, then it was my time to shine! I was scared like some things in my tummy were diving. I was Maui's brother!! Then me and Maui and the brothers looked where the sun came up and my part was the sun is too powerful for us we can’t catch the sun. I like the part where the sun was running down the assembly and the three little Pigs. Too! the three bears were so funny. Then we did the Duffy song and at the end I felt marvellous.

    Tsunami Evacuation

     We wrote a recount about our evacuation experience WALT add details to our writing and edit carefully. 

    Last Friday a tsunami happened I was scared and worried but then we got up the hill I was calm then I had some food. We went up the hill then we had to walk up the hill again I seen some gorse then I had some water. I had a bag of chips it was so good then an alarm went off again. We got to have a sausage and we got picked up. It was so cool seeing JJ.

    Tuesday, March 16, 2021

    Undersea Gardens

    Learning Intention - WALT skim and scan for information to find out what is in an 'undersea garden.

    seaweeds colours some can be red some can be green and brown.

    Thursday, March 4, 2021

    Tractor Trek

    We wrote a recount about our Tractor Trek experience. WALT add details to our writing and edit carefully.

    Last Friday we had a Tractor Trek. I like the red and the green Tractor and I saw some people driving the tractor . I climbed into the green Tractor and the red Tractor and the Army Truck and I saw a John Deere and Hummers and Massey Ferguson.

    Friday, February 26, 2021

    All About Me Poem

    I am learning to add details to my Bio poem writing.

    I wrote a poem about myself and my whanau.

    Wednesday, February 24, 2021

    Kawa of Care Challenge

    We are learning all about the 'Kawa of Care.

    We are learning to do the kawa of care so we can take care of are chromebooks at school and home.